Our firm

The origins of Caliber Wealth.

Caliber Wealth can trace its roots to the founding of Caliber Group, over 19 years ago. This was as a diversified financial services business comprising institutional investment management services, investment administration, investment consulting and investment solution development and distribution. Clients included Very High-Net-Worth individuals, Family Offices, For-Purpose Funds and nationwide Financial Advisory firms.

During this time, we have seen significant changes in the New Zealand financial services landscape. Key amongst these has been the growth of higher wealth levels in New Zealand, which has introduced a new paradigm to wealth management. This significant increase in scale brings intergenerational aspirations, along with new challenges and intentions for private wealth investors who now need a fresh approach and new thinking.

What are those challenges ?

During our time in the financial services industry here are some of the ones we’ve frequently encountered:

How to think about the challenge of investing across a 50-75 year plus timeframe, rather than just a single generation of 20-25 years.

Avoiding erosion of a decades-to-build capital base via compromising drawdowns.

Understanding the critical fundamental need to protect long term capital against inflation and loss of purchasing power. Consider how milk in 1965 was 4c per litre and is now $1.50 plus.

Appreciating that accumulating capital over one generation can be very different to preserving and enhancing that capital for generations to come.

Recognising the fundamental necessity for alignment between risk, investor objectives and an investment solution.

What seems logical but is a major mistake: ‘picking winners’ and chasing historical headline returns that very often results in capital losses and failure to provide for future generations.

Helping clients understand and solve these issues was the driving force behind the establishment of Caliber Wealth.

We believe that to successfully address these issues requires combining specialist planning and professional advice with aligned personalised wholesale investment solutions. This approach best meets your individual objectives as a private wealth investor.

What makes us different?  

Our culture is focussed on understanding who you are, your situation, and what you are trying to achieve – and then ensuring our approach is directly aligned to your needs and requirements.

We are also independent – we have no ties to any institution and we are privately owned, which allows us to focus entirely on you as a client.

Delivering innovative, truly aligned, personalised solutions for our local clients backed by global investment solutions, is how we enable you to realise your wealth management objectives.

Sustainability is also at the heart of what we do. Sustainable investing forms a core part of our investment philosophy and approach and is embedded in our client solutions.

Contact us by phone
0800 444 999 or click to email us below.

Contact us by phone 0800 444 999 or click to email us below.